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Dependency Injection

When scaling up your bot to multiple files, you may find it useful to inject dependencies into the children dispatchers instead of having to pass them around manually.

@mtcute/dispatcher provides a simple service locator that you can use to inject dependencies:

// for typescript, you need to declare the dependencies
declare module '@mtcute/dispatcher' {
    interface DispatcherDependencies {
        db: Database

// create a root dispatcher
const dp = Dispatcher.for(tg)

// inject the database
dp.inject('db', new Database())
// or 
dp.inject({ db: new Database() })

// and then add a child dispatcher
import { childDispatcher } from './file2'

// file2.ts
const dp = Dispatcher.child()

dp.onNewMessage(async (ctx) => {
    // the dependencies are available in dp.deps
    const db = dp.deps.db
    await db.saveMessage(ctx.message)

export const childDispatcher = dp
// for typescript, you need to declare the dependencies
declare module '@mtcute/dispatcher' {
    interface DispatcherDependencies {
        db: Database

// create a root dispatcher
const dp = Dispatcher.for(tg)

// inject the database
dp.inject('db', new Database())
// or 
dp.inject({ db: new Database() })

// and then add a child dispatcher
import { childDispatcher } from './file2'

// file2.ts
const dp = Dispatcher.child()

dp.onNewMessage(async (ctx) => {
    // the dependencies are available in dp.deps
    const db = dp.deps.db
    await db.saveMessage(ctx.message)

export const childDispatcher = dp


You can only inject dependencies into the root dispatcher (the one created with Dispatcher.for), and they will be available in all children dispatchers.

mtcute is not affiliated with Telegram.